

6 Tips on How to Get Pregnant Fast

by Tasha Mayberry

You’ve finally decided to settle down and now find yourself contracting some sort of fever, baby fever, that is! You and your partner have tried – and tried – and tried. Yet you can’t seem to have a bun in the oven. You worry. What is wrong? Is it you? Or is it your partner?

Before you get more nasty thoughts into your head, breathe. You are not alone. According to the NHS, One in seven couples in the UK may take longer to get pregnant, and it’s not all about being infertile. Contrary to popular belief, getting pregnant is not always as easy as getting the egg and the sperm to meet.

Pregnancy is more about creating an optimal environment and having sex at the right time. If the above statements sound like you, and you are on the lookout of ways to get pregnant fast, try following these six to get you to conceive quicker!

1. Get to know your cycle!

Understanding and keeping track of your menstrual cycle will help you determine when you are the most fertile. Ovulation is vital because it is the time when your egg leaves its nest, making it ready for fertilization.

During ovulation, many women experience different signs, such as an increase in their libido, cervical mucus, or even a slight pain in their abdomen. Being aware of your menstrual cycle and when you’re going to ovulate is vital before you jump into the sack!

Depending on how long your cycle is, ovulation can happen between 11 to 21 days after the first day of your last period (or even earlier or later, if you have a remarkably short or long cycle). The general advice is to have sex, particularly during your ovulation period.

If your memory fails you and you’re not sure when your fertile window is, it may be a good idea to get ovulation test kits, which are strips designed to indicate whether you are ovulating or not.

2. Optimize your health!

To get your body baby- ready, you must make sure you are healthy! Aside from eating healthy, ensure you have the right amount of vitamins minerals. There are various doctor recommended fertility supplements in the market readily available without a script.

Most of these prenatal vitamins contain folic acid, which is a mineral critical for every stage of a baby’s development. It helps with ovulation, fertilization, and supports embryo survival. Find the right prenatal supplements for you by talking to your healthcare provider.

3. Cut back on those bad habits!

Other than consuming vitamin-enriched foods and supplements, you must remember to cut back on habits that may be adding to your conception struggles. Some of us love to de-stress by having an occasional glass of wine, but you may need to take a step back and save that for after you give birth, as this could hinder you from conceiving. Limit your caffeine intake. You won’t need to cut back on that cuppa completely, but too much caffeine is also known to cause fertility issues.

Finally, quitting smoking is a no brainer when pregnant, but this is equally as important when you are trying to conceive. Studies have shown that smoking causes damages to the eggs, which causes fertility problems.

4. De-stress and manage your stress!

Stress is the leading cause of lack of sleep, a low sex drive, unhealthy eating patterns, and an overall, unhealthy lifestyle. And yes, it can significantly impact your chances of conceiving!

Worrying and obsessing about trying to conceive can make it that much harder. Change your mindset and re-think your attitude. Don’t cause yourself unnecessary anxiety by comparing yourself to other peers who got pregnant immediately. Remember that the beauty of being a woman is that our bodies are all different. Everybody’s conception story is different. Some are harder than most, and some just have it easy. Counteract negative thoughts with positive ones.

Work on relaxation techniques such as a relaxing yoga practice that can ease your stress. Take a couple of mindful minutes in your day to meditate and just, BREATHE. There are a plethora of easy, guided meditations that can help you relax. There have also been some books published focusing on fertility yoga.

If you are not the yoga type, just do things you love or pick up a hobby as a means to de-stress. Painting, baking, writing are great outlets that distract you from the pressures you might be undergoing.

5. Have sex, but not too much!

When you are trying to conceive, it gives you a reason to get extra intimate with your partner. While this sounds exciting, don’t overdo it! Too much of anything can be detrimental. Experts have weighed in on this, saying that having sex too often can lower your partner’s sperm count, and there may not be enough to race to the egg.

Have sex at optimal times. The popular advice is to try doing it once a day, every other day, before ovulation, after ovulation, and during your most fertile time!

6. Know when to get help.

There’s a stigma about getting help to increase your chances of conceiving faster and making your conception process a bit easier. But really, there’s no reason to be ashamed when seeking fertility guidance. That is why fertility clinics exist!

Generally, if you haven’t been unable to conceive within a year and you are under 35, visit your doctor for their opinion. Women over 35 are advised to wait shorter, with a six-month window before seeking professional help.

Failing to conceive when you’re ready to grow family can be challenging and emotionally and physically draining. Still, patience and optimizing your overall wellbeing is the key. Start by trying the tips above and seek help when you’ve exhausted all measures.